Call for abstracts for MDI/Integration/ Polarisation sessions is released!

If you wish to propose a contribution for the Machine Detector Interface/Integration/Polarisation sessions, please send us the title and a short abstract.

While there is no deadline, a prompt submission would be appreciated.
Please note if you will be attending in person, or if you wish to make your presentation via a teleconferencing system.
This information will be posted on the INDICO page when it becomes available.Please indicate if you have any scheduling constraints.

Please correspond with the session organizers at:

Karsten Buesser ( 
Tom Markiewicz ( 
Marco Oriunno ( 
Tomoyuki Sanuki ( 
Toshiaki Tauchi ( 
Fernando Duarte Ramos(
Sabine Riemann (
Lau Gatignon (


In order to enable LCWS14 participants to register at more favorable price the early-registration deadline is extended to the 15th of September
22.07.2015. LCWS14 grants
We would like to announce that several grants will be offered to PhD students to participate the conference.
The abstract submission deadline for the Calorimetry/Muons track has been moved to 17th September.
We ask for proposals for theory, phenomenology and experimental contributions to the Top/QCD/Loopverein sessions (title & short abstract).
If you wish to make a contribution to the Simulation/Detector Performance/Reconstruction session, please send email with the proposed title and a short abstract...
If you wish to propose a contribution for the Machine Detector Interface/Integration/Polarisation sessions, please send us the title and a short abstract.
As conveners of the Beyond the Standard Model Physics Working Group we solicit proposals for theory, phenomenology or experimental contributions to our parallel sessions (title, short abstract and references, if available).
We invite you to submit a talk to the Higgs/EW parallel session. Titles with short abstracts should be submitted to all Higgs/EW conveners...
The deadline for abstract submission is Monday, 8 September 2014. If you would like to propose a contribution, please send the title and a short abstract to the conveners.
We would like to invite your proposals for contributions for the "Calorimetry/Muon Systems" sessions.