International Advisory Committee
J. Bagger (TRIUMF)
J. Brau (University of Oregon)
F. Le Diberder (IN2P3)
B. Foster (Oxford University and DESY)
J. Fuster (IFIC)
Y. Gao (Tsinghua University)
P. D. Gupta (RRCAT)
R. D. Heuer (CERN)
Y. B. Hsiung (National Taiwan University)
M. Krammer (HEPHY Vienna)
A. Lankford (UC Irvine)
N. Lockyer (Fermilab)
D. MacFarlane (SLAC)
V. Matveev (JINR)
J. Mnich (DESY)
H. Montgomery (Jefferson Laboratory)
T. Nakada (EPFL)
M. Nozaki (KEK)
Y. Okada (KEK)
R. Patterson (Cornell University)
N. Roe (LBNL)
L. Rivkin (PSI)
A. Suzuki (KEK)
P. G. Taylor (University of Melbourne)
Y. Wang (IHEP)
International Organizing Committee
I. Bozovic Jelisavcic (VINCA)
P. Burrows (Oxford University)
D. Dannheim (CERN)
L. Evans (Royal Imperial College London)
J. Gao (IHEP Beijing)
C. Grojean (University of Barcelona)
M. Harrison (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
S. Komamiya (University of Tokyo)
S. Lukic (VINCA)
M. Peskin (SLAC)
S. Stapnes (CERN)
A. Yamamoto (KEK)
H. Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
J. Wells (University of Michigan)
H. Weerts (Argon National Laboratory)
Local Organizing Committee
Dr. I. Bozovic-Jelisavcic (VINCA), chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Dr. B. Grubor (VINCA), general director of the Vinca Institute
Prof. Dr. V. Bumbasirevic, rector of the University of Belgrade
Prof. Dr. I. Dojcinovic, chair of the Serbian Physical Society
Dr. M. Petkovic (VINCA), chair of the Vinca Scientific Council
Prof. Dr. J. Puzovic, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade
Dr. S. Lukic (VINCA)
Dr. M. Pandurovic (VINCA)
I. Smiljanic (VINCA)
J. Mamuzic (VINCA)
G. Milutinovic Dumbelovic (VINCA)
G. Kacarevic (VINCA)
S. Milosavljevic (VINCA), LCWS14 secretary